I'm not going to discuss politics here. So if you were looking for that sort of discussion, keep on searching. What I do want to discuss is the disgusting nature of people. What makes it okay to hang anyone from a noose in front of your home? I guess freedom of speech and the fact it's your own property does actually. Okay, so I know my rights. I also know a wrong when I see it. This is morally wrong by my standards. Sarah Palin may not even give a flip if she's hanging from a noose in west Hollywood. I do. What happened to respect and constraint? I feel like I want to do it and I'm protected by the law. So why not have a dummy hanging from my roof? Yeah! I'm empowered. Are you really? Or are you just making a spectacle of yourself? By the way, John McCain is above her in the flue of the chimney, which is on fire. I should have the right as a human being not to have my likeness used in a negative or positive way unless I give permission. What's next? Will neighbors hang each others' likenesses from roofs and trees if they don't get along? It's a step backwards for humanity. During days like these all we need are steps forward--together.
Totally true. I believe that this just shows how sick our world is. People talk about how our electoral system is so complex an fascinating. Maybe true but our campaigns just show how ignorant many people are.
Atleast the mayor of West Hollywood had a bit of sense and convinced the homeowners to take their display down.
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