Because I'm a woman I have many occupations--some too scandalous to be described here. The art of being a lady has been lost. There's something to be said about having control of your emotions and being a positive independent force to be reckoned with.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Six months in the making
The "horror" happened the last day of May and it took until the last day of November to get it all fixed.
Here it is in all of its glory.
Now no more people in my house! I'm going to rest.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
they wanna know what are you looking forward to the MOST on Thursday or what are you MOST thankful for?
It's a blog hop too so you can go back and read what everyone has written and maybe discover a new blog to read.
I'm thankful for the following:
My two girls who fight and scream and the next moment hug each other and whisper secrets only they can know.
My son, who calls me faithfully from college--when he runs out of money.
My husband, who says he'll be home by a certain time and it's guaranteed he'll be at least 30 minutes later.
My dog, Ozzie, who vomits at least once a week on the floor for me to clean it up.
The rest of my family, who during the holidays, provide me with more entertainment than the Jersey Shore ever could. GTL--Good Times Love.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Thanksgiving Week...gobble gobble?
You be careful though. This is just the beginning. Sure, they encourage you to eat now. Images of happy people with family and friends enjoying food and drink dance before our eyes. Beautiful music plays in the background while the unknowing stuff their jolly faces.
This trickery will continue through the month of December and then advertisers will hit you with a brick full of guilty. Just you wait til January.
On the first day of January we're all overweight slobs who've indulged way too much and shame on us--Jenny Craig is calling. How dare we eat everything we're encouraged to buy. Now, they're selling guilt in a package on the morning shows. They're telling us how to get rid of the tire around our waists. Diet soda commercials replace the chocolate candy ones and a tear of disbelief rolls down our chubby little cheeks.
So, keep all this in mind as this week kicks it all off in royal fashion. Gobble, gobble they tell us now, but just you wait. They'll be singing a new tune. But really--do we have to dance to it?
Monday, November 15, 2010
Wow...this semester.
I work at a local community college and I teach developmental writing. I don't know what it is about this semester, but it's going to do me in.
I've had some issues with not feeling well. My doc prescribed me a medicine that sent me to the hospital and it seems I've been working from behind since then.
Really...I could say that.
I'm just not feeling teaching there anymore, so at the end of this semester I'm going to take a break from it and see what else develops.
I know it sounds juvenile--I'm just not feeling it. In grown up lingo this is what it sounds like: I've decided at this point in my life that this may not be the path I want to pursue and I'm going to take a some time to investigate other avenues or opportunities. Yeah...not feeling it.
Wish me luck.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Blogging Pumpkins
How about it ladies?
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Monday, October 11, 2010
Which one to pick?
What is your favorite John Hughes movie and why?
OK...less drama. I'd have to say Miracle on 34th St. I know there's no teenage angst here. One of the best Christmas movies ever. And when you get tired of "I triple dog dare you!," there's always this great classic.
But then there's also Pretty in Pink, and Some Kind of Wonderful, and Ferris Bueller's Day Off too.
Is four enough because really, one was too many
One high school.
Mentor, OH.
Mentor High School.
Four teenagers bullied to death at one high school? Incredulous that no one could keep them safe. Horrible that they couldn't feel accepted.
All four of these students were good looking kids. One had a learning disability. One was even hated enough that she was taunted and laughed at in her casket at her wake. Despicable.
Mentor, OH is not a rough town. This school received an Excellent rating from the state. What is going on not just in OH, but everywhere?
School administrators and teachers are not standing up against or in the way of bullying. In fact, they're leading the way.
I attended the orientation meeting at the local high school where one of my children attend. The administrators addressed the usual parent orientation topics: dress code, attendance, grade reporting etc.
The part about the dress code was interesting. The administrator put up a picture of Benjl Madden (I doubt he even knows who Benji is) to show what a student shouldn't look like at school. Benji is tattooed and pierced. The face piercing is what the administrator was highlighting and said to the crowd jokingly, "How'd you like your daughters to bring this home?" First of all, Mr. Madden is NOT a high school student and is a grown man and may very well be a nice person. Who knows? Are we supposed to pass judgement on him because of he way he looks? Yep. We should publicly ridicule and make fun of him too. That's what every student in that audience was just shown an example of--if you're different than the accepted norm, you have to pay for it.
At another recent school assembly the administrator again brought up an ongoing issue at the school--hair color. It's against the rules for students to dye their hair any color that isn't natural. That's fine. Don't have a problem with this. The administrator then went on to call out publicly a student who'd already been disciplined for having hair color, in the student assembly, by first and last name, "Isn't that right ____________ _____________?" Every student in the assembly then turned to this student to gawk. The turn of bodies and then the dead silence that followed broke my heart. The student's hair was mostly dark brown with a three to four inch bleached part of bangs on one side of the head. No color involved. What gave this administrator the right to call this student out publicly? The fact this student was different. Different is persecuted publicly. This was the second example the students saw of this at this particular school.
So now, when they go and carry out this persecution themselves, we know why. It's what they're taught.
How many more kids need to die before we stop this behavior. Is four enough, because really, one was too many.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
What to wear: Halloween Dilemma
These days we have Halloween superstores. Costumes are $30 or more. These costumes look a little "porny" especially for women and young girls. You want to dress as a referee---well you could referee the skank games in this outfit. You thought about being a fairy? This fairy has more that just her wings showing in this costume.
I have two young teen girls and most of these costumes are showing too much! The skirt barely covers the butt and the top doesn't have enough coverage either. The themes are totally inappropriate. Want to be Alice in Wonderland? Well this is pin-up Alice in Wonderland. And I'm being nice when I call it that.
Halloween is quickly becoming "Skankoween." Both my husband and I like dressing up too. In fact, we have a wedding to go to this Halloween. Notice the invitation said "Come Dressed to Kill," and not "Come Dressed to Shoot a Porno."
Somebody get me a sheet!
Monday, October 4, 2010
Cyberbullying...uh parents!!!!
The first thing we need to do as parents is be real. Our children are NOT perfect little angels. Even though we'd like them to be perfect--it's not happening. I never say my child would NEVER do something because as soon as I do he/she would do that very thing. If someone tells you your child is bullying you have a duty as a parent to find out if it's true and do something about it if your child is indeed being mean to others. I'm sick to death of hearing parents say, "Oh my kid would never do that." Get over yourself. I had to do it, and so can you. Plus, no one wants to hear how perfect you think your child is. GAG.
Second as parents we need to be aware. If your child (as long as they're under your roof or you're paying for their college) has a page on a social networking site be aware of what's on it. I have the ability to log on to all three of my children's pages. I see what they write and have set limits. If they post something I deem unacceptable, it has to be deleted. If they keep posting unacceptable things, then they know the whole page will be deleted. Recently my middle child, who's in high school, deleted her page because she said she was "tired of reading about all the fighting." She saw it has a negative in her life and got rid of it. Sometimes we have children who are not wise enough to do this for themselves and as parent we have to step in and do it for them. Also, there are programs out there that you can install on your kids' phones that send you any text or pics they send or receive. Your child can't cyberbully someone if you know what they're doing. Nor can they be cyberbullied without your knowledge if you see what's going on.
And most importantly sticks and stones hurt, AND words are a bitch too. They stick with us. They bruise our souls. They hurt us deeper than a physical pain. Acknowledge this fact and address it with your children. Help them to learn to process negative behaviors directed at them during school, through text message, or the Internet. When my kids come home and say this person said this about me I always question them as to how the situation developed. Sometimes my kids have provoked a negative response from a student. You can't just say rude things to someone and not expect to be treated rudely in return.
This is a complicated, social atmosphere we're raising children in today. It's our responsibility as parents to show our children how to survive in it. Or you can just continue to ignore what you child is doing and hope for the best. It's up to you.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Today is the day
My mother was an individual to say the least. She dressed to the nines whenever she could. She wore big hair until the day it fell out from the chemotherapy. She wore the reddest red lipstick she could find. She thought lipstick was as good as Prozac. "Put some lipstick on honey. You'll feel better." She spoke her mind no matter what the cost. She never backed down from a challenge and was more often than not labeled a "bitch" for it. She loved all her grandchildren as best she could. She even danced a couple of times a year when the opportunity presented itself. She made the best potato salad.
Yep. That was Ransy. She even had a unique name to top it all off. Today...this day...I honor her for who she was.
Ransy Marie Robicheaux Waguespack
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Mom's birthday
Last year she didn't eat much cake and my Dad got her some food from one of her favorite restaurants because by then she was too sick to go out and eat. The last couple of months of her life she had been eating as much red velvet cake as she could hold down. She always loved sweet things. The chemo and radiation made it hard at times, but it was one of the last things she could still enjoy. One of her last good meals was probably her birthday meal. She ate a bit for their anniversary, which is September 18, and after that she didn't eat much at all.
I remember on her 40th birthday she accidentally locked herself out of the house. She had to wait until I got home for me to let her in. This of course was before everyone had cell phones. She said it was one of her worst birthdays. She carried a key with her at all times after that. She pinned it to her bra and she made sure she was never locked out again.
I would have definitely called her today. We spent hours and hours on the phone because for about decade now I've lived at least 10 hours or more from Louisiana. Too bad there are no telephones in Heaven.
Happy Birthday Mama.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
The Plout
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Tuesday Tirade
My son, who's in his second year of college, complains how unfair it is that he had to ride the bus until he could drive. I believe riding the bus builds character. I did it and it was a good socializing activity. I was in disbelief when my high schooler told me she has friends who've NEVER rode the bus. Inconceivable!
I've got a 5th grader and a 9th grader who would ride two different buses. One would pick up my daughter about a quarter of a mile from our house off the main road and the other would get picked up two blocks behind our house. They both get picked up a the same time. Here is where the problem is. How can I keep an eye on both them? And the aspect of all this that irritates me the most is one of the buses passes in front of the house. This is where it picked up my other kids the past three years!
So now I drive them because you have to keep your kids safe and having my girls at bus stops in two different places doesn't allow me to help keep them safe. A year ago a man attempted to abduct a young girl from a bus stop a mile away from our home and that has stayed in my mind.
So what's a mother to do?
It happened so fast
I was driving to work on Hwy 11 just past the airport exit in Tulsa when I noticed an SUV coming across the highway from the other direction. It slammed into a BMW in the lane next to me. Pieces of this accident flew past my windshield and bounced off the top of my car.
I pulled off the side of the highway and so did quite a few other cars. A TSA agent, with his blue uniform on, took over telling people what to do. After flipping over three times the SUV had come to rest on the side of the road upside down. A bloody arm hung out of the smashed window.
I thought the BMW driver had gotten out of his car and was standing next to it with a cellphone talking to 911. The man was visibly shaken and his eyes were locked on to the car. He wasn't the driver. The driver of the car sat behind the wheel still--dead from the impact of the crash.
I couldn't look at any of it. I had to get into my car and leave. Several men were running around trying to be useful in a situation where nothing was left to do. It took emergency service workers 45 minutes to get the driver of the SUV out of his vehicle and he's in the hospital in critical condition. When I left work these cars were still on the road and both lanes were still shut down.
Hug everyone you love today.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Tuesday's Tirade
The same boat I'm in is the "my house ain't fixed yet and I still ain't got no kitchen yet" boat! I called my contractor last Thursday and he said he'd call be back later that day. No call. I called Friday and left a message because I hadn't heard from him. Still haven't heard from him. It is Tuesday right?
No work has been done yet this week. I'm going to have to put on my other hat now. I hate that hat. It's tight on my head and makes me act irrationally. But it has to be done.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Swamp People
The whole show made me miss home. I've lived in many states and even though I don't want to go back and live in Louisiana, it's still my home. I miss the kind people, the food, the music, the attitude about life that exists there. If you're not from Louisiana you might see these folk as uneducated idiots out tempting fate to catch a few gators so they can live in their trailers and house boats and not have to work too much. You'd be wrong. These are hard working people who see the land as a provider and they're its caretaker. The take only what they need and they can get what they need from that land---and that's enough for them. These are the good people that would "give you the shirts off their backs" and offer you some boiled crab too.
And I miss em.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
The Situation: Survey Says
So this little gal calls in and lays out this unfathomable story. Her sister had come to visit her for a few weeks before she heads to Germany to live and had been staying with them for about a week when this little gal's husband approached both her and her sister and told them he had something important he wanted to discuss with them. He said he had made a "survey." Now this survey consisted of a list he created to compare his wife and her sister. He said he believed he'd fallen in love with the sister. The "survey" listed such items as face, eyes, hands, breasts, stomach, back, vagina (yes--the hooo ha) legs, feet, ass, mysteriousness, personality, and attitude. He rated these items on his survey from one to ten for both of them. He then started to inform them how they rated. Both of the women became upset within a few minutes. Her sister wanted to leave immediately because she didn't want to break up their 5 year marriage, which was also the result of two children.
The husband also figured out quickly that he'd probably bit off more than his playboy mouth could chew at this point. The wife was angry and took the list from him and her sister and her went to another room.
At this point the show hosts ask how she compared to the sister. So she goes through the list with them.
She beats her sister out on most of the items except for attitude and her ass. Of course, the hosts being men kept track of the points and added them up. This was something neither of the women had done. For goodness sakes their sisters! The ONLY redeemable quality of the survey (if you can call it that) was the fact that he gave the sister a 0 on the vagina because he hadn't seen it. Wow.
This gal now wanted to know what she should do because even though they had two kids, she believed he had crossed a line, and as a couple, they'd never be able to recover or get back on the right side of that line. The hosts then proceeded to tell this woman she was stupid, a doormat, it was her fault this had happened, and that she should leave the loser as soon a possible and stick him with the kids--all terrible advice.
The husband is a disgusting idiot. I don't know what he thought he'd accomplish with that survey, but the one sure thing he did was to break up the home of his children. I was encouraged by the fact the women had stuck together and didn't try to lay any blame. The gal said her sister hadn't done anything to encourage her husband in this direction. Maybe she can get on a plane with her two kids and join her sister in Germany. Hasta la vista dirtbag.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Tuesday rant
You want to know why I called him? Not to make sure everything was still on...that was my secondary reason for calling him. Here it goes. I hope you're sitting down. It's been sweltering hot in OK. So on Sunday morning I went out into my garage and it smelled suspiciously like rotting garbage. I checked for garbage bags my lazy kids might have tossed out there. Nope. That wasn't the reason for the smell. I then noticed a gathering of blow flies (you know the big ones) around my deep freezer. My eyes then darted to the wall where the freezer is plugged in. The plug-in was on the floor of the garage!! The carpenter had been here Friday and he unplugged my freezer to plug in his saw and he never plugged it back in! The rotten smell was coming from rotting food. I didn't even dare to open it. And that big bubba is filled to the top let me tell you.
So I called my contractor to tell him I wasn't about to clean that out myself! Not to mention the loss of ground buffalo meat my husband was so proud of...that's a whole other story. I think I'm going to need an intervention soon before I end up on an episode of "Snapped" or whatever that TV show is called that tells the stories of women who go into fits of rage and murder!
Monday, August 16, 2010
What do I write about?
Friday, August 13, 2010
Books Books Books Ahhhhhhhh!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Back to school
This work is still going on!
Friday, July 9, 2010
And the mess goes on and on...
So we are a week away from our 20th anniversary trip to Mexico and the work is still going on in our house. Contractors around here just don't want to work everyday. If they'd work everyday they'd be done! ARGH!
Here's what it looks like now. (Yes. That black cement is my floor for now.)
The first picture is the hallway to my laundry room. There's a bathroom in this hall too without a floor now.
The second picture is the kitchen. As you can see the lovely island with granite counter top is gone. All my counter tops are gone. Appliances gone. Three hungry kids home for the summer all day and no pantry!
The last picture is the hallway leading to the study. The wood floor survived in the middle, but not after. The carpet in the study and the our bedroom was also ruined. And the mess goes on and on.
I wish they were finished. When I leave to go somewhere I love to have the house all in order and clean so when I come back I can continue that relaxed feeling for a few more hours. I don't think that's gonna happen.
Hey I'm gonna celebrate 20 years together with my wonderful husband no matter what. So when it gets done, it will be done. Until then I'm dreaming of beautiful beaches and cool drinks.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
4th and demolition
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Father's Day

Friday, June 11, 2010
The Mess
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Friendships and the Real Housewives
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Charlaine Harris' new book and the Kindle
Saturday, June 5, 2010
We saw the movie Killers
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
What a mess!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Monday, May 24, 2010
What's going to become of the gulf and it's beaches?
Here's a picture of Grand Isle, LA. This is a beach off the Gulf of Mexico. I'm from LA and I went to this beach as a child. It's a really a nice secluded beach and although it's not Florida, it's close. This beach is now closed because big swatches of oil have begun washing up on shore. People from home tell me the whole smell coming in from the gulf has changed from the usual smell into something"chemically smelling." How much of the nations coastline will have to be damaged before something is done? That oil flow has to be cutoff. Now.
Who needs a passport?
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Sunday mornings and cell phones
Friday, May 21, 2010
Olive Kitteridge
The Reliable Wife
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Rest in Peace Ruby Ester Rock Robicheaux
Her funeral wasn't attended by many because let's face it, most of the people she knew were already dead. The guy who use to cut her grass came with his wife. This man is a saint. He would stay at her house for hours after cutting her grass because he knew my grandma was lonely. He knew her life story and he didn't mind listening. His family even took her with them when she had to evacuate during hurricane Katrina. He told us stories about her and how he met her in WalMart one day. It made me smile.
Good memories. She will be missed.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Movie to see: Waiting for Superman
Friday, May 7, 2010
Fin as in End
Ruby, my 96 year-old grandmother is still alive. She is my mom's mom. My mom was her only child and my grandmother helped raise me through the years when my mother wasn't sure she wanted to be a mom. Ruby is laying in a hospital bed right now, ten hours away from me, and these are probably some of her last few days, possibly hours. She has been sad since her daughter has stopped visiting her and she can't really understand why. She just knows she misses her. Ruby also knows she has outlived almost everyone she's ever known. Her husband has been dead for 35 years, her brothers even longer than that. She's went to the funerals of all her friends, visiting some in the the nursing home as they took their last breaths.
The hardest part about living is the ending. There are many endings. Our childhood eventually ends. Our free young adult lives end when we have children. AND then moms this is the cruelest part, those same children that needed us for so long will grow up and leave us and not need us anymore. Try not worrying about them after 18 years of it being your sole duty to keep them safe and warm and you'll find it's not so easy. Everything has an end. Some ends lead to new beginnings here on this earth and other ends are more final.
This all leaves me to wonder what end is next and I'm anxious about it. Then with my next thought I realize I can't live my life anticipating the end because I'll miss what comes in between the beginning and the end. I'll miss the living. "Don't miss the now," I hear whispered to me.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Moon Over UHAUL
Tulsa has some weird architectural spots. This UHAUL truck on top of a building is one and the moon just happened to be out on a beautiful afternoon to add to the "weirdity' of it all.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Sweatpants: The New Birth Control
Friday, April 23, 2010
Reading new author Gail Carriger
Spring has sprung

Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Mommy Hysteria

Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Corollas and Pintos
The topic of cars and whether or not you name your car was brought up to me a couple of weeks ago by a friend who's a journalist. She asked if we'd ever named our car and what kind of car it was. She later wrote an article about it. We've had a couple of cars we've named. There was one in particular I remember. We owned this car back in the day when we were poor...I mean really poor. In fact, my in-laws gave us this car because we needed a second car and couldn't afford to buy one. It was a blue Toyota Corolla. It was a stick shift and what really made it unique is that it was missing most of the floorboard. Driving down the highway, seeing the road zipping by under my feet was not something I found comforting. We named this car "The Mullet." This was after the fish, not the hairdo, but now that I think about it either reference would probably be appropriate.
Now all this got me to thinking about a car my mom owned in the 70s. This car is infamous today because of it's exploding gas tank. Yep. The Ford Pinto. My mom was a single mother raising me and she bought this car because it was a good buy and because it was a gorgeous shade of yellow. I have a life's worth of memories from that little car. We lived in Louisiana and the fire ants loved that car almost as much as my mom did. Every morning she'd had to sweep out the mound they had built in it overnight. No matter how diligent she was in sweeping them out, a few still managed to stay behind and bite us. This car also took me through my first tornado. Now mind you, the funnel of the tornado never actually passed over the car, but it came close enough for the car to be rocked and pushed around as it roared by. Last but not least, the Pinto took it's last breath on the street corner next to a Texaco gas station. I was probably 6 years-old and we were stopped at the light at the corner. I was fascinated by the goings on out of my passenger window, where I sat without a seatbelt because those hadn't been invented yet. A huge crane was erecting a giant new Texaco sign on a towering poll above the gas station. The crane swung around to get in position to lift the sign up to where two men tethered to the poll waited to help guide the sign to it's final resting place. The crane operator gunned the engine and began backing up into the street--straight toward where we were waiting for the light to turn green. After a few choice words of indignation, my mother laid on the horn of the little yellow Pinto. The sound was lost over the engine sound of the big crane. My mother luckily realized that we had to get out and get out fast. She grabbed me by my left shoulder and pulled me as she exited the car. Loud popping and cracking noises filled my ears as we made our way across the street to safety. We turned around to see to crane now stopped on top of the Pinto and a flurry of people making their way to us. The Pinto, well let's just say it was a flat as a pancake under the weight of the crane. My mom's legs were scrapped and bleeding, but I was without a scratch. Who knows? Maybe that was a blessing in disguise. At least the gas tank never had the chance to explode.