Recently I heard about an author who wrote how the ONE pair of sweatpants she bought led to the downfall of her sex life. After being married for a couple of years she went out and bought a pair of sweatpants because she felt like now that she was married she could relax. Her butt needed a hug. First of all, I can't believe she didn't own a pair of sweatpants before. Didn't she exercise or ever go for a brisk walk in the cool morning air? Oh, I know. Sweats have a bad reputation. Who says you have to wear them all the time? The preferred Stepford Wife outfit in my neck of the woods is the sweet, but short tennis skirt. It's a far cry from the ugly grey sweat pants. I still wouldn't be caught dead in that skirt! What are these gals running around hoping to catch a pick up game of tennis somewhere? Anyhoo, I digress...back to the sweats. So this gal buys the sweats for comfort and before you know it her and the hubs aren't having sex anymore. Now was it really the sweatpants' fault? I think not. If it were that easy to discourage your man from the goods, well let's just say we'd all own at least 5 or 6 pairs. AND forget about taking birth control. We could just slip on a pair of sweats and call it a done deal. Our teenage daughters wouldn't own anything else. We'd fix their wagons! Whoa! Hold on's not that simple. The sweats are getting a bad rap from a woman who was apparently tired or bored. We are each responsible for keeping our intimate lives exciting and inviting. Somebody in that relationship dropped the ball. Maybe they both did. But seriously, you can't blame the sweatpants.
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