Last Tuesday I had the rant and I'm still in the same boat so maybe Tuesday needs to become Tuesday's Tirade.
The same boat I'm in is the "my house ain't fixed yet and I still ain't got no kitchen yet" boat! I called my contractor last Thursday and he said he'd call be back later that day. No call. I called Friday and left a message because I hadn't heard from him. Still haven't heard from him. It is Tuesday right?
No work has been done yet this week. I'm going to have to put on my other hat now. I hate that hat. It's tight on my head and makes me act irrationally. But it has to be done.
So that was Tuesday. Did the tight hat work? Have the workers returned? How bad does it suck that you have to behave at your worst just to get anything done?! And then, of course, you are labeled as that person. When, in fact, it's thier own fault for being lazy bastards.
Thank you! I have to behave like a crazy person to get something done. I had to threaten the painters with calling another painter to get their job done and then send the BILL to their sorry butts! I don't enjoy having to chew on people, but if I have to I guess I will so that ONE day I can cook in my kitchen!
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