Thursday, October 7, 2010

What to wear: Halloween Dilemma

Think back to the simple days. It's Halloween and you want to go trick-or-treating and your costume is what was on your bed earlier that day--a sheet for a ghost costume and a pillow case for your candy. Ok. Maybe it wasn't always that simple, but my Halloween wear did come from something around the house.

These days we have Halloween superstores. Costumes are $30 or more. These costumes look a little "porny" especially for women and young girls. You want to dress as a referee---well you could referee the skank games in this outfit. You thought about being a fairy? This fairy has more that just her wings showing in this costume.

I have two young teen girls and most of these costumes are showing too much! The skirt barely covers the butt and the top doesn't have enough coverage either. The themes are totally inappropriate. Want to be Alice in Wonderland? Well this is pin-up Alice in Wonderland. And I'm being nice when I call it that.

Halloween is quickly becoming "Skankoween." Both my husband and I like dressing up too. In fact, we have a wedding to go to this Halloween. Notice the invitation said "Come Dressed to Kill," and not "Come Dressed to Shoot a Porno."

Somebody get me a sheet!

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