Friday, August 13, 2010

Books Books Books Ahhhhhhhh!

In about 20 days I've read 26 books (I'm reading 27 now). Before we go on vacation my husband and I get all of our books ready. I mentioned before he has and iPad now, so I got his old Kindle. I was reluctant at first to use it. I'm a "real-book-needa-turn-the pages" kinda of gal. After the first book I never thought of that again. In fact, I love the Kindle. I don't have to remember what page I'm on and I always had to remember because my kids can't keep their hands off my books and out slips the book marker. OH I am NOT a page bender. Nope no way. Kindle keeps track of what page I'm on and as soon as I turn it on, like magic, it's right on the page I stopped reading. I downloaded 8 books for our Cabo trip which was 8 days and on the plane back I finished the last book. Another nifty feature is all my books are in one place. I want to go back and re-read something from a book in a series all I need do is click a few times and there it is. I do sometimes miss the pages...but not that much. So 27 books! The summer is always a read-a-thon for me. Recently with all the demolition in the house I needed an escape. Walking on black tarred concrete and seeing my beautiful black granite countertops on my back patio has been quite disturbing. I haven't had a kitchen for over a month. The best place to go...into a book. I've been reading Lisa Kleypas. I haven't really been a romance novel fan, but she includes so much history into her plots. And turn your nose up if you want, but they're good books and they've saved my sanity. I teach literature and I refuse to be a book snob. So thank you Lisa Kleypas. I'm going to finish reading all the books she's written. I do go back to work Monday. My reading pace will slow down. Hopefully I'll remember this as the summer I discovered reading her instead of the summer that was ruined by a plumber.

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